So it's 9:45 and I'm going to bed, because tomorrow, for the very first time, I'm going shopping at the crack of Black Friday dawn. I'm not sure why I'm even remotely excited about this - crowded stores rank just above the dentist on my list of favorite places, and man, six thirty is early for shopping, especially when you can't even actually buy anything. But I'm going, and in a twist that is an insult to stereotypes everywhere, I'll be accompanied by my father and bro-in-law while the rest of the women in my family get their beauty sleep. Wish us luck.
I wanted to take a minute and acknowledge that I live a life consistently packed with blessings. Here are a few of the greatest hits:
Things I am thankful for always:
1) "You hem me in - behind and before; You have laid Your hand upon me."
2) My family. There is nothing to say that hasn't been said, but I drew an unusually fantastic card in the family game. They are nothing short of amazing. So much of what I am, I am only because they are.
3) The usual suspects - roof over my head, food on my table, friends to spend time with, health, life, sunshine... you know. You're thankful for these things too, I'm sure.
4) I have the best dog, like, ever. Seriously. Ever.
Things I am particularly thankful for this year:
1) Imago Dei, which has been a completely world-altering discovery for me. To feel I have a home in a church I can actually connect with... priceless.
2) More specifically, Northwest Home Community. I just sat here for five minutes trying to decide what to type, and I'm at a loss. You have all changed my life this year in your own ways, most of you I suspect without even knowing it. Thank you.
3) My lovely roommates and our new home. We have the best little Boston family... I'm a lucky, lucky kid.
4) The rest of my Portland family- specifically Dan and Mel, who are my constant. I know it's been a busy year. I love you both so very much.
5) The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Cheesy as anything, reliably boring by hour three, and still always manages to give my gullible, sappy self goosebumps at least three times.
6) Portland in general. You, city, you have stolen my heart.
7) New traditions- Monday breakfasts, Thursday Office parties, Sunday brunches... and people who are willing to play along.
It's 10:01 and I need to go to sleep if I'm going to be watching some soccer moms fight for sweaters at Target in 8 hours. But if you've read this far, I'm thankful for you. I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving.
And as of tomorrow... :)...Christmas. (!!!)
Have a Lovely Weekend.
2 days ago
So how was it? One of these years I'm going to go out for an urban, early morning Black Friday run, just to witness these mythical soccer mom mobs.
We did have fun didn't we? Except maybe the hour in line at Kohl's. I don't even remember what we bought there. But we had fun... :o)
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